We've all heard that saying, "The grass is greener on the other side." Some horses take this quite literally. They stretch and reach for that one blade of grass just on the other side of the fence. It doesn't matter that there is grass in their pasture. They'll ignore the hay just to reach for that bit of "forbidden" grass. While this can be pretty funny to watch and makes for some good chuckles, it also can hit a bit close to home for humans as well.
Since the rise of the internet and social media, we now have a view of many other pastures; the best and the worst. We see the lush life of the elite and the dilapidated conditions of living on the bottom, along with everything in between. The cacophony of clips, ads, opinions and comments are all competing for our attention. It's easy to spend a lot of time looking at the outside world and all those other pastures, that we unintentionally neglect our own.
When was the last time you walked the fence line of your own pasture? Have you broken some of your boundaries? Are some guardrails lying discarded on the ground? Has your pasture become a dumping site or is it still green and nourishing? Did you leave a gate open that should be closed?
A healthy pasture doesn't just happen. It takes time, planning and some elbow grease. We need to keep our fences mended and sometimes, reinforced. These are the boundaries of our lives, both mental and physical. Some of them are already in place for us, the things we can't change ('cause if we could I would be taller!). Others we need to put in place for ourselves to guard the good and keep out the bad.
A pasture also need nourishment or additional seeding for healthy growth. We need to feed our souls and spirits. What good are strong fences if there is nothing worth protecting? Find what refreshes you. Embrace positive relationships. Explore things that make you feel alive and give you purpose.
Lastly, a healthy pasture needs rest time. If a pasture is grazed all day every day, there will be nothing left but mud. Pastures need rest time to regrow and replenish themselves to support the life that depends on it. So we too, need rest. And that rest does not mean looking around at all the other pastures obsessively. It means sleep, self-care, and quiet space to let our minds have a margin of time in the day to just process. Allow your brain to wander, contemplate, and come to conclusions without the burden of intaking more information.
We all want our pastures to be green and well cared for. However, it requires intention, commitment and consistency. Green pastures do not just spring up overnight. This is a long-term vision for yourself and your life. So next time you start flipping through social media, remember that your effort into your own life is much more rewarding than watching someone else advertise theirs.